He has nearly two million fans and a book deal. But Boo isn't a reality TV star, actor or a pop singer - he's a pet dog.
The five-year-old Pomeranian has the fame most celebrities dream of after amassing 1.79million fans on social networking site Facebook.
And Boo is also a hit with the ladies. He attracted the attention of Hollywood stars including Khloe Kardashian, who posted a picture of the dog on her blog last year and singer Ke$ha, who Tweeted that Boo was 'her new boyfriend.'
Since then, Boo's Facebook page, launched in 2009, has gone viral, receiving thousands of new fans a day.
http://www.facebook.com/Boo/videos#!/photo.php?v=10150274347900398&set=vb.80329313253&type=2&theater FOLLOW THE LINKS TO SEE BOO IN ACTION
Internet sensation: Boo, a five-year old Pomeranian, has amassed 1.8m fans on Facebook
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